If you have been raped you can phone the Canberra Rape Crisis Centre on (02) 6247 2525. CRCC is available for any woman, man or child who has experienced any form of sexual abuse (adult rape, childhood sexual abuse, ritual abuse or sexual harassment) whether it is a recent assault or an assault that happened years ago.
CRCC is staffed by specially trained workers. These services are free and confidential. Rape Crisis workers can accompany women, men and children to the Australian Federal Police Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Team (SACAT) (see Reporting Sexual Assault and Criminal Proceedings) if they wish to report the rape to the police. You can also contact the police directly on 131 444.
Crisis phone counsellors will put adult male survivors in contact with SAMSSA (Services Assisting Male Survivors of Sexual Assault) who can support them if they want to report an assault to the police. You can use the Rape Crisis services without reporting the assault to the police.
Talking about your experience with someone you trust – such as a friend or a Counsellor – can help you begin your road to recovery.
We provide the following services:
If you have been sexually abused as a child you may have been deeply affected in many ways. As an adult you may still be feeling these effects.
It is important to know that the abuse that was suffered was not your fault.
The Canberra Rape Crisis Centre acknowledges that we conduct our work on the lands of the Ngunnawal & Ngambri People, Traditional Custodians of the Canberra region. We pay respect to First Nations Peoples and Elders past and present throughout the nation. We recognise the continuing connection to lands, waters and communities, and acknowledge that lands were never ceded.
Canberra Rape Crisis Centre
Service Assisting Male Survivors of Sexual Assault
P.O Box 3805,
Admin & Business Enquiries:
Business Phone Line (02) 6287 3618
Email crcc@crcc.org.au
Crisis Support & Services Information:
Crisis Phone Line (02) 6247 2525
Crisis Text Contact Only 0488 586 518
Crisis Email Contact crisis@crcc.org.au
Community Education & Training Enquiries:
Business Phone Line (02) 6287 3618
Email cep@crcc.org.au
CRCC is committed to excellence in service provision, intersectional feminism, access & equity, diversity & inclusion.
©, All rights reserved.